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AIRA (AI Rights Asset): Protecting Rights and Monetizing AI-Generated Content through Token Technology

AIRA (AI Rights Asset) is a token technology designed to protect rights and enable monetization of AI-generated content, ensuring fair reward distribution to creators and data providers.

Transparency and Tamper-Resistance of Rights Information:

AIRA utilizes blockchain technology to manage rights information transparently and tamper-resistantly. This safeguards creators' copyrights and prevents unauthorized use. Specifically, all rights transactions are recorded on the blockchain and are verifiable without third-party intervention.

Automation through Smart Contracts:

Smart contracts automate rights processing and revenue distribution. This ensures prompt and accurate reward distribution when revenue is generated, promoting transparency and fairness. For example, revenue is automatically distributed to creators and data providers upon generation.

Monetization through Tokens:

AIRA tokens represent rights and revenue for AI-generated content. This allows creators and data providers to fairly benefit from the revenue generated through content usage. For instance, by tokenizing AI model usage rights and making them tradable, the liquidity of rights is enhanced.

Secondary Market Trading:

AIRA tokens are tradable on the blockchain, enabling buying and selling in secondary markets. This ensures token liquidity, allowing owners to trade freely. As a result, token value is determined based on market principles.'s AIRA introduces a new paradigm for rights protection and monetization in the anime industry. It not only protects creators' rights and ensures fair revenue distribution but also fosters the growth and development of the entire industry.