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Overview of the Ecosystem

The ecosystem thrives on the diverse contributions of creators, anime studios, AI developers, fans, and copyright holders. Each participant plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and quality of anime production through collaboration.

Roles and Contributions

  • Creators: Bring new ideas to life using generative AI technology.
  • Anime Studios: Provide expertise and infrastructure to realize creators' visions and manage production.
  • AI Developers: Develop and improve generative AI technology, incorporating the latest advancements.
  • Fans: Support creators by purchasing tokens and providing feedback, driving the ecosystem's vitality.
  • Copyright Holders: Supply essential data, forming the foundation of the ecosystem. They are rewarded with tokens for their contribution, ensuring a sustainable data supply while protecting their rights.

Value Circulation and Sustainable Growth

The ecosystem's sustainable growth depends on the circulation of value. New value is created when creators produce new works that resonate with fans. These rewards are often reinvested in new projects, fueling the ecosystem's continuous growth. This cycle of value creation and circulation ensures the ongoing vitality of the entire ecosystem.

The role of copyright holders is especially significant. Their data provides the essential foundation for the ecosystem. The platform recognizes their contribution by rewarding them with tokens, ensuring a fair exchange for their valuable data while safeguarding their rights. This mutually beneficial arrangement fosters a sustainable data supply, ultimately contributing to the growth and development of the entire ecosystem.