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Ensuring Data Traceability Using Blockchain

Current Challenges in Anime Generative AI

While generative AI significantly contributes to improving efficiency and quality in anime production, it currently faces several challenges.

Current generative AI systems learn from vast amounts of data collected from the internet, much of which may be copyrighted or licensed. Using unauthorized data without permission poses legal risks of copyright infringement. Furthermore, most mainstream generative AI systems do not compensate data providers who provided the training data.

Lack of Quality and Consistency in Generated Content:

Current generative AI often struggles to consistently generate specific styles or maintain quality. Anime characters and background art require consistent visual styles throughout a work, but achieving this with AI requires advanced fine-tuning. Additionally, the quality of generated animations can vary between frames.

Difficulties in Collaboration Between Creators and AI:

AI tools often require specialized knowledge to operate and customize results, making them inaccessible to many creators. This hinders the full utilization of creators' creativity. Moreover, there is a lack of intuitive interfaces for effective creator-AI interaction.

Challenges in Sustainable Development of AI Models:

Training advanced generative AI models demands substantial computational resources and time, making the rapid introduction of new technologies and models difficult. Continuous data collection and model updates are necessary to maintain AI performance, but efficiently learning while ensuring data quality and quantity remains a challenge.

To address these challenges, it is crucial to prioritize transparency in data collection and usage, build a system that respects data provider's rights, and improve the quality and consistency of generative AI outputs. Additionally, developing user-friendly tools and interfaces is essential for broader adoption and creative empowerment. aims to tackle these challenges through innovative solutions.

Traceability of Training Data leverages blockchain technology to manage the entire process, from data collection to usage, in a transparent and tamper-resistant manner. Each piece of training data is assigned a unique identifier (ID) upon collection, and this ID is recorded on the blockchain. This allows for tracking the data's source and usage history, enabling verification of the collection process and usage status. By making the transaction history and usage status of training data publicly verifiable, data providers and users can always confirm the data's status, increasing the overall system's reliability. Furthermore, blockchain's distributed ledger technology makes it exceedingly difficult to tamper with recorded data, ensuring data accuracy and integrity, thereby guaranteeing the reliability of the training data. Importantly,'s system only enhances data traceability; the data itself remains strictly confidential. Only the data ID is recorded on the blockchain, while the actual content, such as images and videos, is managed in a separate secure environment. This approach ensures data traceability and transparency while safeguarding rights holder’s intellectual property rights and maintaining the security of sensitive information.

Ensuring Traceability of AI-Generated Products

Outputs generated by AI models are also assigned unique IDs, which are managed on the blockchain to ensure traceability. The blockchain records only the output's ID and minimal related information, clearly indicating the model from which it was generated. The actual output and its detailed metadata are managed in a separate, secure system. This ensures the origin and quality of the outputs, allowing users to utilize them with confidence.

Furthermore, the IDs of rights information associated with the outputs are also recorded on the blockchain, clarifying ownership and usage status. This mitigates the risk of copyright infringement and unauthorized use, protecting data provider's rights. By implementing a verification process for outputs, we confirm that generated animations and images are based on pre-authorized data, further reducing the risk of copyright infringement.

This approach allows to maintain data privacy and security while ensuring traceability and transparency, without directly handling sensitive data or large-volume content on the blockchain. This prevents unauthorized leakage of data and outputs, enhancing the system's overall safety and reliability.

Automating Rights Management with Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are programs that automatically execute rights processing when predefined conditions are met. leverages smart contracts to automate rights processing, ensuring that revenue is promptly and accurately distributed to data providers and rights holders without delays or fraud.

Furthermore, by implementing a conditional rights transfer mechanism, rights can be transferred only when specific conditions are fulfilled. For example, rights may be set to transfer only after a certain revenue threshold is reached. This ensures that rights are transferred solely upon achieving specific milestones, maintaining transparency and fairness.

The guaranteed execution of smart contracts eliminates human error and interference, ensuring the reliable fulfillment of contractual obligations. With dependable revenue distribution and rights transfers, creators and data providers can engage in transactions with confidence and peace of mind.

Utilizing Traceability Information

By utilizing traceability information, provides numerous benefits. First, reward distribution to data providers becomes transparent and accurate.

Second, providing traceability information for AI model outputs ensures the reproducibility and accountability of models. This increases trust among users and regulatory authorities by clearly demonstrating which data was used for training, enhancing transparency.

Furthermore, data governance is strengthened through traceability analysis. Effective strategies can be developed to ensure data quality and quantity, improving AI model learning efficiency. It also becomes easier to evaluate the quality of collected data and track usage history, leading to more accurate data management.

Additionally, output reliability is improved. By leveraging traceability information, the reliability and quality of generated animations and images are enhanced, reassuring data providers and users. Quality assurance and clarifying output origins create an environment where users can confidently utilize the work.

Finally, new business models and revenue streams can be developed based on traceability information. For example, a data market utilizing traceability or the sale of AI model licenses could be established, promoting the growth and development of the entire ecosystem.

In summary, ensures data traceability using blockchain technology, enhancing the reliability and transparency of AI models and outputs while enabling equitable reward distribution to data providers and data providers. This is expected to foster the sustainable growth and development of the entire anime industry, allowing the ecosystem to thrive. Through these efforts, will become a cornerstone of anime production's future and a valuable platform for all stakeholders, including creators, data providers, rights holders, investors, and fans.