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AIRA (AI Rights Asset) for Managing Rights and Monetizing AI-Generated Content

Current Challenges in Anime Generative AI

While generative AI significantly contributes to improving the efficiency and quality of anime production, several challenges persist. Understanding and addressing these challenges through technology and new mechanisms is crucial.

Ethical Issues with Training Data:

  • Transparency in Data Collection and Use: Current generative AI models often learn from vast amounts of internet data, much of which may be copyrighted or licensed. Using such data without permission raises ethical concerns and risks copyright infringement.
  • Fair Compensation for Data Providers: Data providers who provide training data may not receive adequate compensation, leading to insufficient protection of their rights.

Quality and Consistency of Generated Content:

  • Style Consistency: Generative AI can struggle to consistently generate specific styles and maintain quality. Achieving consistent visuals for anime characters and backgrounds throughout a work requires advanced fine-tuning.
  • Quality Variations: Variations in quality can occur between frames of generated animations. Fine-tuning is crucial to ensure natural character movements and expressions.

Collaboration between Creators and AI:

  • Usability Issues: Operating and customizing AI tools often demands specialized knowledge, limiting accessibility for many creators and hindering their creative potential.
  • Interface Improvements: Intuitive interfaces are needed to facilitate effective interaction between creators and AI, lowering the barrier to entry for AI utilization.

Challenges in Sustainable Development and Model Updates:

  • Model Training Costs: Training advanced generative AI models requires substantial computational resources and time, making the rapid introduction of new technologies and models difficult.
  • Continuous Improvement and Learning: Maintaining AI model performance necessitates ongoing data collection and updates. However, efficiently learning while ensuring data quality and quantity remains a challenge. is committed to addressing these challenges through innovative solutions. We prioritize transparency in data collection and usage, establishing mechanisms that respect data provider's rights. We also focus on improving the quality and consistency of generative AI outputs, and we strive to provide user-friendly tools and interfaces for creators.

Managing Rights Information on the Blockchain utilizes blockchain technology to manage rights information for creative works transparently and securely. Blockchain's inherent characteristics ensure that all transactions and data are recorded in a distributed ledger, making interference or fraud by third parties virtually impossible. This reliably protects data provider's copyrights and prevents tampering with or unauthorized use of data.

Specific benefits of managing rights information on the blockchain include:

  • Ensuring Transparency: All rights information and transaction history are publicly accessible, clarifying ownership and usage status for all stakeholders.
  • Tamper Resistance: Blockchains operate in a decentralized manner, making it exceedingly difficult to alter data once recorded, thus guaranteeing the reliability of rights information.
  • Utilization of Smart Contracts: Automated contracts (smart contracts) enable efficient and accurate rights transfer and revenue distribution.

Specifically, all data generated during the production process of a work is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring its traceability. This allows for clear tracking of which data was used to train specific AI models and which models generated specific works. For example, all data used for character designs and background art in a project is recorded, enabling data providers and rights holders to review the usage history.

Automation of Rights Processing through Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are contracts that are automatically executed on the blockchain when conditions are met. utilizes smart contracts to automate rights processing. This ensures swift and accurate compensation distribution to data providers, promoting transparency and fairness.

Specific functions of smart contracts include:

  • Conditional Rights Transfer: Smart contracts can be programmed to transfer rights only when specific conditions are met. For example, rights may transfer only after a certain revenue threshold is reached.
  • Guaranteed Execution: Smart contracts are executed by code, eliminating human error and interference, ensuring reliable contract fulfillment.

In practice, when a work is published and generates revenue, smart contracts automatically distribute that revenue to data providers. This entire process occurs on the blockchain, ensuring reliable rights processing without third-party intervention. Additionally, the revenue distribution ratio and conditions are predetermined and transparently shared with all involved parties.

Concept and Mechanism of AIRA

AIRA is a token that represents fractionalized usage rights and beneficial interests in generative AI models for specific anime IPs. AIRA plays a crucial role within the ecosystem by managing usage rights and distributing a portion of revenue to the owners of those rights.

The main functions of AIRA include:

  • Management of Usage Rights: Usage rights for specific generative AI models are subdivided and issued as tokens, allowing data providers and investors to own and trade these rights.
  • Revenue Distribution: Owning AIRA tokens entitles holders to a portion of the revenue generated from the use of the corresponding AI models, allowing data providers and investors to directly benefit from their success.
  • Secondary Market Trading: AIRA tokens are tradable on the blockchain, enabling buying and selling on secondary markets and ensuring liquidity for token holders.

For example, when a creator uses an AI model to produce a new anime work, they purchase AIRA tokens to obtain the necessary usage rights. Upon publication of the work and subsequent revenue generation, a portion of that revenue is automatically distributed to AIRA token holders. This mechanism ensures that developers and data providers of AI models receive fair compensation for their contributions.

New Value Creation Brought by AIRA

AIRA has the potential to revolutionize the anime industry by creating new value and opportunities.

Increased Production and Collaboration

AIRA promotes the production of derivative works and spin-offs by allowing creators to legally leverage existing anime IPs. This revitalizes fan communities, fosters the creation of new content, and opens up additional revenue streams for both creators and IP holders. New revenue models are constructed through usage fees and revenue sharing on AI models, encouraging collaboration between creators, and ultimately enhancing the overall creativity of the anime industry.

Attracting Investment and Promoting Growth

AIRA also presents a lucrative asset for investors. By purchasing rights to generative AI models tied to specific anime IPs, investors can share in the revenues generated from their use. This not only attracts funds into the anime industry but also incentivizes growth. For example, when an investor acquires AIRA tokens associated with a popular anime IP, they become entitled to a portion of the revenue generated by that IP's success. This model enables investors to directly profit while contributing to the overall development and expansion of the anime industry.

Overall, AIRA promises to create a more dynamic and lucrative anime industry by empowering creators and rights holders, attracting investment, and fostering innovation through AI-driven technologies.

Technical Foundation of AIRA

AIRA's technical foundation is built on blockchain technology and smart contracts, ensuring a secure, transparent, and efficient platform for creators, data providers and investors.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain ensures transparency in rights information and revenue distribution while preventing unauthorized data use. Its distributed ledger technology prevents unauthorized access and tampering, guaranteeing the transparency and reliability of rights information.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts automate and ensure reliable rights processing. Their security is maintained through rigorous code reviews and audits, ensuring contracts are fulfilled reliably and guaranteeing overall system reliability.


AIRA is designed to be interoperable with other blockchain platforms and AI models, enabling collaboration between different ecosystems and expanding its potential applications.

This combination of technologies creates a secure and efficient environment for managing rights information, giving creators, data providers and investors peace of mind when using AIRA.

Future Prospects of AIRA

AIRA's potential extends far beyond the anime industry, with promising applications in other content sectors. By implementing similar rights management systems for digital content like manga, games, and music, copyright holder’s rights can be better protected, and revenue distribution streamlined.

New Business Models and Revenue Streams

Furthermore, AIRA is expected to catalyze the development of innovative business models. Potential revenue sources include AI model rental services and collaborative projects with data providers. This allows creators, rights holders and investors to tap into new revenue streams, contributing to the overall growth and development of the content industry.

Future Prospects for AIRA

  • Multi-Platform Deployment: AIRA can be deployed across multiple content platforms, ensuring interoperability between industries and making it accessible to a wider range of creators, rights holders and companies.
  • Evolution of AI Models: As generative AI technology advances, so too will the AI models utilizing AIRA, enabling the creation of more complex and sophisticated content, thus fostering greater creativity.
  • Expansion of the Ecosystem: The AIRA ecosystem is poised for growth, with increased participation from creators, rights holders, investors, and companies, collectively driving the expansion of the content industry.

AIRA: A New Paradigm for the Content Industry

Through AIRA, introduces a revolutionary paradigm for rights management and revenue distribution in the anime industry and beyond. By safeguarding rights holders rights, ensuring fair revenue sharing, and stimulating growth, AIRA serves as a valuable asset for both rights holders and investors. It has the potential to become a cornerstone in supporting the future of content production across various industries.