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Learning Data Strategy Aiming to Balance Rights Protection and Innovation employs a unique learning data strategy to balance the protection of data owners' rights with the promotion of innovation in anime generative AI development. We aim to deliver new value to the anime industry by safeguarding the rights of individuals and companies who own anime-related data while simultaneously advancing cutting-edge technologies. This chapter details's policies regarding the collection and use of learning data.

"Opt-in Data First" Principle advocates the "opt-in data first" principle, prioritizing obtaining explicit permission from data owners when collecting and utilizing learning data. We aim to build a sustainable ecosystem that respects data providers' rights and ensures fair compensation. While our ultimate goal is to create models composed entirely of opt-in data, we acknowledge the potential need for some opt-out data in the project's initial phases. Therefore, we will adopt a phased approach, starting with models that incorporate rights-cleared data into existing opt-out datasets or building new base models that combine both, with the aim of transitioning to fully opt-in data as soon as feasible.

Using opt-in data is crucial for rights protection. Unauthorized use of anime-related illustrations and image data can infringe upon the rights of data owners and impede the industry's healthy development. By centering our learning data strategy on opt-in data, demonstrates a path that fosters innovation while safeguarding the rights of data owners.

Multi-layered Filtering to Eliminate Risks of Rights Infringement implements a multi-layered approach to exclude elements from learning data that could potentially infringe on rights. First, during data collection, we filter out data with high risks of rights infringement. Subsequently, we utilize automated systems to detect and exclude proper nouns and distinctive motifs from the collected data.

Additionally, we conduct periodic data cleansing to continuously remove data that could pose risks of rights infringement. This process involves visual checks by a team of experts to address subtle nuances that may not be captured by automated filtering. These combined efforts minimize the risk of incorporating elements that could infringe on rights in generated animations.

Transparent Data Management Using Blockchain Technology aims to build trust with data providers by transparently managing data usage history using blockchain technology. By ensuring data providers are always aware of how their data is used, we protect their rights while enhancing the reliability of our AI models.

Data usage history managed on the blockchain is stored immutably and is publicly accessible. This allows data providers to verify how their data is being used and enables external parties to confirm the appropriateness of's data practices. This transparent data management approach plays a crucial role in enhancing's accountability and bolstering the project's credibility.

Data Expansion and Accuracy Improvement through Collaboration with Data Owners expands and enhances the accuracy of its learning data through close collaboration with data owners. We actively incorporate their feedback to build datasets that meet their specific needs. Additionally, by utilizing high-quality data provided by partnering anime-related companies, we achieve more realistic and engaging animation generation.

Collaborating with data owners contributes to both the quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of our datasets. By incorporating the specialized knowledge of individuals and companies possessing extensive anime-related data, we can imbue our AI models with animation-specific expressions and worldviews. This enhances the quality of generated animations and maximizes the creative potential of the data owners.

Through this learning data strategy, aims to achieve a balance between rights protection and innovation. We strive to provide new value to the anime industry by respecting data owners' rights while promoting cutting-edge technologies. The appropriate collection and use of learning data are essential to fulfilling's mission, and we remain committed to addressing this challenge responsibly and effectively.